Beyond the Score

In a world saturated with diverse thoughts, beliefs, and preferences, the reality that not everyone will resonate with us, or our work, is not just likely, it's guaranteed. This truth hit home for me recently following a speaking event. I had poured my heart and soul into crafting a custom program, tailoring it meticulously to the participant's needs. The engagement during the event was electric, the energy palpable, and by all accounts, it felt like a resounding success... until I read the first survey.

A score of 1 out of 5 on the relevance of material stood glaring back at me (1 being the worst and 5 being the best). For a moment, it felt as though all the positive energy had been sucked out of my heart. Shocked and momentarily disheartened, I found myself questioning everything. But then, a pivotal realization dawned on me, it’s okay. It's okay that not everyone will find what I have to say relevant or engaging. And most importantly, it's okay to move forward, focusing not on the shadows but on the light. The other surveys told a completely different story.

However, in the past, this solitary score, sitting amidst a sea of positivity, could easily have marred the entire experience. It's human nature to fixate on the negative, and to let a single voice of resistance echo louder than a chorus of approval. Yet, this moment of shock was swiftly overtaken by my profound awareness; not everyone will resonate with you, and that’s perfectly okay.

The majority of the feedback from the event was positive, a testament to the connection and impact that had been made. It would have been easy to overlook this bounty of goodwill in favor of dwelling on a single negative response. However, choosing to focus on the positive is a powerful stance. It's a commitment to value the many over the few, to cherish the connections made, and to continue evolving without being hindered by fear of criticism.

Over the years of doing self-love work has lead me to know truths I may not have been felt earlier along my life’s path. 1). Difference of opinion is inevitable, 2). Feedback, even when critical is valuable. 3). You are not for everyone. 4). It teaches resilience.

Remember, it's not our business to occupy ourselves with what others think of us. Our true path lies in continual self-improvement, in offering our gifts to the world, and in making meaningful connections along the way. There will always be critics, but there will also always be those who resonate deeply with what we have to offer. By embracing this balance, we find peace and purpose in our journey.

I’ll continue to ask for feedback on my work, embracing both the positive and negative perspectives. Encountering criticism or indifference is an integral part of any journey. It serves as a reminder that our worth is not defined by universal acclaim but by the authenticity of our efforts and the lives we touch. So, let's keep moving forward, and beyond the score, embracing every experience as a step towards becoming our best selves. And to you, reading this, remember, your light doesn't dim because someone fails to see it. Keep shining, keep growing, and keep tending to your garden. The right people will find you.


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