The Great Potato Peel-Off

Ah, holidays! A time for joy, laughter, and ... potato peeling? Yes, you read that right. In our family, the Christmas holiday isn't complete without the legendary Potato Peel-Off, a tradition upheld by me, and my brothers Jeff and Greg for years, until my nephew Chase was added to the mix. And most recently, one that has now blossomed into a full-fledged family affair.

This past Christmas, our peeling crew expanded to include the regulars, plus my daughter Hannah, and nephew Garrett. But I have to call out the star of the show, I was armed with what I dubbed as my trusty Glovenator 2000, a mandolin slicer safety glove that's become my defense against the notorious history of nicks and cuts. Yes, I've been the subject of many jokes, but no longer!

The rules were simple: we peel, and if you lose a potato to the garbage, you take a drink. It's like playing hot potato, but with real potatoes and higher stakes. Greg was the first to fumble, launching his spud into the garbage abyss. The search for the lost potato felt like an eternity, only to lose another one shortly after. The laughter that ensued was contagious, and soon, Hannah joined the 'Lost Potato Club', followed by yours truly. But, in a dramatic twist, I didn't just lose my potato, the peeler flew in too!

The laughter was so intense that I had to make a mad dash to the bathroom. Greg, ever the hero, rescued my peeler, while Hannah retrieved the renegade potato. And just like that, within minutes, amidst the laughter and chaos, we had peeled 10 pounds of potatoes, ready for their transformation into the fluffiest mashed revered side dish.

However, there’s one little twist to the story, a secret cloaked in mystery. But why the secrecy, you ask? Well, every year, my sister-in-law insists on a 'No Mashed Potatoes' policy. But, in true rebellious spirit, my brother stashes the spuds in the garage, unveiling them only when we all arrive.

This year, my brother took it up a notch by gifting each family their very own state-of-the-art potato peeler and, humorously enough, a box of band-aids. Trust me, the irony wasn't lost on us. But beyond the laughter and the light-hearted banter, this tradition is a testament to the value of coming together, creating memories, and embracing the joy in the simplest of activities.

So, as you gather with your loved ones, remember that it's not just about the grand gestures. It's in these little moments of shared laughter, playful competitions, and even the mishaps, that the heart of the holiday and family truly beats. The peelings may fly during the Great Potato Peel-Off, but so do the smiles and giggles. After all, what's a spud-loving family to do without their Christmas Day mashed potatoes? What unique or humorous traditions does your family cherish during the holidays?


PS … Long live the spud …lol, Sorry, not sorry Dee. Me love you long time! XOX

PSS … We were laughing so hard and peeling so fast, no losers took the time to take a drink!

PSSS … As a side note, my brother had enough peelers to go around that no one needed to use the gifted ones. Gotta love a man with spares…. LOL!

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