Under Their Wings

In the quiet whispers of the wind and common everyday life, I have always felt a presence, ethereal yet profoundly reassuring, the presence of angels. Their existence, woven with threads of faith and mystery, have been a source of fascination and comfort in my life. As a life coach and spiritual seeker, I cherish the idea that these celestial guardians are with us, silently guiding, protecting, and enriching our lives with their heavenly wisdom.

Imagine my willingness when, a few years ago, an opportunity emerged to host these divine beings in my home. Without a moment's hesitation, I said, “Yes.” This past week, I had the privilege of welcoming them again, an experience that might sound fantastical, yet it was a journey I wholeheartedly embraced.

This unique tradition of hosting the Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and Metatron, began in New York in 2010 (born from a spiritual vision). It's about opening your heart, your home, and allowing your very essence to be touched by their light. And in doing so, you're not just receiving; you're actively participating in a mission of cosmic proportions.

Inspired by the film 'Pay it Forward,' the concept is simple yet profound. Just as kindness begets kindness, hosting begets hosting. From one, to three, to countless more, the angels' visit becomes a cascade of celestial interventions. Each host prepares to welcome the angels, to be a conduit for their light, and in turn, prepares to send them forth to new homes, new hearts.

In these times, when the world often feels heavy and uncertain, the idea of hosting angels brings a sense of wonder, a reminder of the unseen forces of love and protection that surround us. Who doesn't yearn for a touch of divine guidance, a whisper of celestial wisdom in the quiet corners of our homes and hearts?

And what do we gain? It's not about tangible gifts or answered prayers. It's about feeling that, amidst the chaos of life, there's a presence, a divine whisper assuring you that you're not alone, that every step is watched over, every tear seen, and every laugh shared. For five days, my home felt like a piece of the heavens, a sacred space where the veil between the earthly and the divine was lovingly lifted.

So, as I bid farewell to these heavenly guests, my heart is full of gratitude and appreciation. This experience is a reminder that we are never alone, that in the dance of light and shadow, there are always beings of light guiding us, loving us, reminding us of the infinite beauty of the universe and the eternal nature of our souls. I choose to believe we are always lovingly, under their wings.


PS … If you want to learn more about hosting the angels in the future, send an email to: hello@imperfectlycharming.com

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